Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week Three and Spring Onions

We had a very successful party this weekend. A HUGE thanks to all who attended! We planted 500 Tomato plants, 100 Eggplants, and lots of Basils! Now we just have to wait for them to grow and then we will all be enjoying the fruits (or veggies) of our labor! Pictures to follow.

Now for a word about spring onions:
Spring onions are onions planted in the fall or very early spring to be harvested early while their greens are still tender. If left in the ground, these plants will form bulbs and become "regular" globular onions which will be included in the late summer and fall boxes. We enjoy these as they make potato salads more colorful and add a savory addition to any stir fry. Have you tried grilling them on a low setting? They caramelize and are DELICIOUS! Any other ways you enjoy these early season treats? Post some ideas to share...


  1. I love making tabouleh salad this time of year. With fresh mint and spring onions from the farm, plus some organic lemon juice and cherry tomatoes from the natural store, lunch is just SO YUMMY!!!

  2. I sliced the spring onions, sauteed them, added some grated goat's milk gouda and topped burgers with them. Amazing!

  3. They make a delicious potato soup. Some yukon golds, spring onions, prosciutto, milk, chicken stock, all served with some shredded cheese and sour cream.

  4. This week we got an item that I have never seen before. It was white big bulb with leave coming out of the top. I wasn't sure if it was an artichoke or rutabaga. What is it and what do I do with it?

  5. That big bulb could be a kohlrabi. I diced mine on used it to top an "all CSA" salad - lettuce, spring onions, radishes, and kohlrabi. Delicious!
